Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Getting Organised

This morning after I returned from dropping the children to school, I found this in my letterbox...

So I went inside, made a cup of tea and sat down to pour over the catalogue. It came right in time for my annual spring cleaning, where I try to get the house into some kind of order, where I organise a council clean-up and throw away a ton of "crap" and where I try to establish some kind of organisation to our house.

"Me-Ing - Ideas on how to squeeze some me-time into every day, and find some me-space at home"
Oh, yes please. I would like some "Me-Ing". This could be the new buzz word despite the fact it sounds like what I normally order from my chinese takeaway. If getting organised creates more Me-Ing, Me-time or Me-Space then I'm in. So I scan the pages and make a mental list of all the things I need/want to buy. And then I wonder if Scandinavian houses are really this organised and quirky. I also secretly wonder if they have a junk drawer in the house.
My junk drawer is the kitchen and is the bane of my life. Spare batteries, screws, hair ties, superglue and all odds/ends lumped into a drawer. I would love it to look like this...

There is nothing more satisfying than getting rid of clutter. This time last year I threw out a ton of "stuff", gave away over 6 big bags of clothing to charity, re-arranged my whole pantry so I could actually see everything properly and cleaned out the toy boxes. However I am convinced clutter breeds and in the space of one year I am ready to do it all over again.
The BIG job is to get my wardrobe organised. I share a walk in closet with Mr FM and although I take up most of it, I still need more space. And better organisation. If I had my way, I'd totally renovate it and do this... (be prepared to be in awe).

From the fabulous wardrobe of British Heiress Tamara Ecclestone - a wardrobe with motorised rotating shoe racks. She also has another one for handbags. Be still my heart!

And the floor plan of her wardrobe. I simply have no words...
I don't know if I'm feeling motivated now...or depressed. Tamara certainly has "Me-Ing" all worked out. Off to look at the Ikea catalogue again and to see if Mr FM knows how to make revolving racks. I can live in hope.

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